
Why Should I Join AGLOCO

During the online bubble of several years ago, there was a company called AllAdvantage that paid users for surfing the web. While people went about their business online, they were served advertisements at the bottom of their browser. Users were paid millions of dollars! Unfortunately, when the internet bubble popped, so did AllAdvantage.

There is a new company called AGLOCO that is slated to do the same thing. Right now the site is beta testing their viewbar, but they are letting people sign up for their service. Once the bar is available, they will let all members know.

Right now they are letting people recruit their friends in an effort to build up the community. I know of several people who actually got paid with AllAdvantage, which is why I am enthusiastic about this site. Those people who sign up earlier then others will have the opportunity to refer their friends - once someone is recruited, they cannot be recruited from anyone else. The company pays referral fees for bringing new people into the network.

Yes, this is network marketing. However, it is done in a way that requires little work, and you don’t need to piss all your friends off trying to sell them anything. AGLOCO will pay you to surf the web for up to 5 hours a month (this may change), and once you’re finished with your 5 hours, you can just shut off the viewbar. You also make money for every hour surfed by people that you refer - up to 4 levels down. So you can see the possibilities . . . (5 referrals surfing 5 hours/month pays you approximately $5,000 / month!).

Signing people up is really easy. Just share your referral ID with your friends or readers by showing the referral link -

If you’re even remotely interested in this concept, I think it would be in your interest to sign up now and start to recruit people. It is not intrusive (Spyware free), you can minimize or shut it off whenever you please, and you can make some real cash on the side - all for just 5 hours of surfing the websites that you would normally surf a month! Check it out . . .


aglocoriz said...

Hi mahi,

please give me your contact number so that we can discuss how to promote agloco in a better way.


