
Shopping Networks

Today i found an innovative networking site which is called ACOBAY. Acobay is a social networking website and it provides you the opportunity to connect to people with similar likings. Unlike other social networking websites like facebook, orkut, myspace, which either deal in plain social networking or social networking for bloggers like

Acobay has a social network for users to share their good with each other. If you own a car then you connect with other car lovers and get information on tips and maintenance of your car. Being an Acobayian ( that is the term i user for people on acobay), you not only get to know where and how you can find things or maintain them but also get information on where to get cheap food, where to have a perfect wedding holiday, where to buy pizza, how to collect funds for charity, etc.

Acobay has so much to provide to users that i will rate it as a "Social Networking website for society". The other social network website is saw was but it is only for making money from blogging and promotion of products online, but Acobay is the sole winner of hearts by providing social network to connect as well as share information.

