
Build your PR: Buying Backward Links

Aside from writing and submitting articles on blogs, directories and Article farms, some internet marketer resort to buying backward links from other websites, preferably the ones those have high page rank such as blogs.

However, if you do not have the sufficient money to buy those backlinks, then do not worry. There are free methods you can use to build your links.

One such solution is to register your website or blog with and avail their free link exchange. With this service you not only get quality backward links but these links are from websites that are similar to your Niche and have the Same or Higher Page Rank.

The benefit of the Blogcytes Free Link Exchange is that you get to exchange links and build free oneway backward links to your website or blogs.

The result is great and you get a traffic and Page Rank Boost as your Niche is the same to the website that offers you backward link. Thus, you get high ranking in search engines as search engine crawlers will give you good points for gaining your backward link from a legitimate source with same niche and also a Good Page Rank.

Do not worry if you Do not have a good Page Rank you can still get backward links.

